
MINPROEKT has been awarded many distinctions over the 60 year period we have been operating – in appreciation of our work, professional competence and proactiveness, the most significant of which are:

  • Golden Plaque for our overall contribution to the Scientific and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy

  • Four (4) awards from the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology (BCMG) for top performance indicators in Logistics Activities

  • Two (2) BCMG awards for occupational health and safety

  • Award from the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Energy (BBCE) for overall contribution to the Energy sector

  • Award for overall contribution to the Bulgarian mineral and raw material industry

A well deserved summit for the many years of design efforts was the 2016 Award from the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology for innovations in the Medium-Sized Enterprises category. The prize was awarded for the project for Application of Cyclic-Flow Technology for Conveyance of Ore and Overeburden at Asarel-Medet.